When Your Rearview Mirror Night Setting

The sun had already set by the time I started my drive home, but that didn’t stop me from making the trip. I knew the roads well enough to navigate them in the dark and I was comfortable with the darkness. Besides, there wasn’t much traffic this time of night so it wasn’t as if I had to worry about other drivers.

The only thing that concerned me was the setting of my rearview mirror.

During the day, your rearview mirror should be positioned so that you can see clearly out the back window. But at night, it’s important to adjust your mirror to reduce glare from the headlights of following vehicles. Here’s how:

First, tilt the bottom of your rearview mirror outward. This will cause the headlight beams to reflect off the mirror and away from your eyes. Next, rotate the entire mirror toward the driver’s side window.

This will further reduce glare by bouncing light away from your line of sight.

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What is the Rearview Mirror Night Setting

Rearview mirror night setting is a feature on some cars that allows you to dim the rearview mirror to reduce glare from the headlights of the car behind you. This can be useful when driving at night or in low light conditions. To use this feature, simply turn the knob on the bottom of the rearview mirror to the desired setting.

Why is It Important to Use the Rearview Mirror Night Setting

Most of us are familiar with the little knob on the lower left side of our car’s interior that allows us to adjust the rearview mirror. We generally only think about using this feature when the sun is in our eyes, but did you know that there’s actually a night setting on most mirrors? It’s not just a gimmick; using the night setting on your rearview mirror can be a lifesaver.

When we drive at night, our eyes need time to adjust to the darkness. This process, called dark adaptation, can take up to 30 minutes. During this time, our pupils dilate (get larger) and we become more sensitive to light.

However, our vision is still impaired compared to daytime driving. One of the ways we can compensate for this is by using high beams when there’s no oncoming traffic. But even with high beams, it can be difficult to see what’s in front of or behind us.

This is where the night setting on your rearview mirror comes in handy. By flipping down the lever (or pushing the button), you activate a special gel coating that eliminates headlight glare from following vehicles. This allows you to see more clearly without dazzling yourself or other drivers.

So next time you’re heading out for a drive after sundown, remember to flip down your rearview mirror!

How Do You Adjust the Rearview Mirror Night Setting

Assuming you have an automatic rearview mirror, there should be a button on the bottom of the mirror labeled “night.” Pressing this will toggle between the day and night settings. In the day setting, the rearview mirror will be in its usual position.

However, in the night setting, the rearview mirror will tilt down slightly to reduce glare from headlights behind you.

What are Some Tips for Using the Rearview Mirror Night Setting

If you’re driving at night, it’s important to be able to see what’s behind you. The rearview mirror night setting can help with this. Here are some tips for using it:

-Make sure that the switch for the rearview mirror is in the “night” position. This will help to reduce glare from the headlights of oncoming traffic. -Adjust the angle of the rearview mirror so that you can see as much of the road behind you as possible.

– Use your side mirrors in conjunction with the rearview mirror to get a complete view of what’s behind you. – If you have passengers in your car, ask them to keep an eye out for any cars coming up from behind so that you can focus on the road ahead.

When Your Rearview Mirror Night Setting

Credit: www.campark.net


If you find yourself driving at night with your rearview mirror in the wrong setting, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many people don’t realize that the little knob on their mirror can be turned to adjust the angle of the mirror, and as a result, they end up looking at themselves instead of the road behind them. While it may not seem like a big deal, adjusting your rearview mirror is actually crucial for safe driving at night.

When you’re driving at night, your rearview mirror should be angled so that you can just see the taillights of the car behind you. This allows you to keep an eye on traffic without being distracted by other lights or objects in your field of vision. If your mirror is angled too high, you’ll end up seeing nothing but darkness; if it’s angled too low, you’ll be able to see everything behind you but your own reflection.

In either case, it’s important to readjust your mirror so that you have a clear view of the road ahead.

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